Our software solutions are developed to be robust and dependable.

Having extensive expertise in POS solutions, we have perfected the art of creating efficient and scalable technology solutions.

Point of sales software in Uganda Kampala

What Solutions Do We Offer?

We offer various information technology solutions to our clients

Software development Kampala Uganda


Website Designing
& Development

Cloud computing icon

Computer Networking

Online Point Of Sale software Kampala Uganda

Online & Offline
POS Solutions.

POSParl Point Of Sale Solution

Accelerate the growth of your retail business with our POSParl online software.

With all the necessary features for running and expanding your business, POSParl is a cloud-based retail POS software.

  • Inventory Management: Create Items, Enter stock, Item Options Bulk import/Export, Real time item updates, e.t.c.
  • Point Of Sales: Increase your sales, and compete with the large brand chains. User friendly design, different payment options, taxes, discounts.
  • Sales & Purchases: Enter sales and purchases
    within our software painlessly and keep track of their movement from anywhere around the around.
  • Accounting: With an integrated accounts module, generate a profit & loss statement ,trial balance,b alance sheets e.t.c.
  • Flexible, fast reporting: This module enables businesses to analyze sales, purchases, inventory & customer data efficiently.
Let Us Help You Transform Your Ideas Into Reality. Let Us Help You Transform Your Ideas Into Reality.
Let Us Help You Transform Your Ideas Into Reality.

Let Us Help You Transform Your Ideas Into Reality.

Cynovatte helps companies and individuals to transform their ideas into working and applicable software and hardware products.

Do you have that one idea?

We are ready to help you transform it into reality.

Experience the modern way of automating your business

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CynoMedic - Hospital Management Software

is a digital solution designed to streamline and automate various administrative and clinical tasks in a hospital or healthcare facility.

  • User Management: Manage & Control Doctors, Nurses, Patients, Accountants, Pharmacist, Laboratory attendant, Receptionist and System admin records.
  • Pharmacy POS: Keep track of pharmacy/clinic sales through the pharmacy POS Module.
  • Hospital/Clinic Accounting:This module involves managing financial transactions related to patient care, such as billing, invoicing, and payment processing. It helps hospitals and healthcare facilities maintain accurate financial records, monitor expenses, and optimize revenue generation.

With Our All in one POS Solutions

CYNOVATTE SMC LTD is a TRUSTED technology company based in Kampala, Uganda that provides comprehensive solutions for businesses and individuals in the tech industry.

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Email: info[at]cynovatte.com
Phone: +256 020 095 4900


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