Customer Support

Yes, surely you can. Our systems can be used on any computer or device with internet connection and a browser. Our POS System is also available on android.

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Each license is valid for one location. The customers is required to pay for each location they have and all locations can be monitored under one account and dashboard.

We take customers’ data safety seriously by implementing all the necessary data security measures in place. We would like to assure you that your data is safe with our POS system.

Our Systems are not necessarily cheaper, but rather more cost-effective. Typically, a lower-priced product comes with limitations on features or undisclosed costs. This is not the case with our systems. Therefore, our system offers a feature-rich, efficient, and cost-effective alternative to its competition.

All our customers get free support for an unlimited period of time for all active customers

Our software is compatible with the most common browsers on the internet.

To make it simple, getting started with POSParl is quick and easy. It’s a cloud-based platform, so all you need to do is sign up, which takes less than a minute. POSParl automatically applies basic rules like date formats, currency, and tax rates based on your country.

Now, let’s talk about the most important step: adding your products to POSParl. Creating new products is a breeze. If you have a large inventory with thousands of products, POSParl simplifies the process by allowing you to import them all at once using an Excel file. Your product Excel file doesn’t have to be in any specific format for POSParl. You simply import the file, match the data fields, and you’re good to go. If there are any issues with formatting, POSParl will notify you. In most cases, the process is straightforward and simple.

The only scenario where it might take a few days is if your Excel import file contains thousands of products with formatting issues, missing fields, or requires extensive fixing. In such cases, you may need some extra time to ensure the data is correctly formatted before importing it into POSParl.

In brief, we are responsible for the features that are advertised in the software. So we will do the following:
– Solve bugs if there is any (bug means if any feature is not working as it should)
– If you have any question we will answer it
– After your installation if you face any issues/bugs, we can look into our software, but we don’t guarantee any solution or custom works there.

Pricing & Support

The payment is annual. After you pay the initial price(referred to as setup fee for the first year ) of the software, you will  be charged a renewal fee for the for following year which is nearly 50% of the initial fee.

We take customers’ data safety seriously by implementing all the necessary data security measures in place. We would like to assure you that your data is safe with our POS system.

Our Systems are not necessarily cheaper, but rather more cost-effective. Typically, a lower-priced product comes with limitations on features or undisclosed costs. This is not the case with our systems. Therefore, our system offers a feature-rich, efficient, and cost-effective alternative to its competition.

All our customers get free support for an unlimited period of time for all active customers

To make it simple, getting started with POSParl is quick and easy. It’s a cloud-based platform, so all you need to do is sign up, which takes less than a minute. POSParl automatically applies basic rules like date formats, currency, and tax rates based on your country.

Now, let’s talk about the most important step: adding your products to POSParl. Creating new products is a breeze. If you have a large inventory with thousands of products, POSParl simplifies the process by allowing you to import them all at once using an Excel file. Your product Excel file doesn’t have to be in any specific format for POSParl. You simply import the file, match the data fields, and you’re good to go. If there are any issues with formatting, POSParl will notify you. In most cases, the process is straightforward and simple.

The only scenario where it might take a few days is if your Excel import file contains thousands of products with formatting issues, missing fields, or requires extensive fixing. In such cases, you may need some extra time to ensure the data is correctly formatted before importing it into POSParl.

In brief, we are responsible for the features that are advertised in the software. So we will do the following:
– Solve bugs if there is any (bug means if any feature is not working as it should)
– If you have any question we will answer it
– After your installation if you face any issues/bugs, we can look into our software, but we don’t guarantee any solution or custom works there.

Purchasing Online

The payment is annual. After you pay the initial price(referred to as setup fee for the first year ) of the software, you will  be charged a renewal fee for the for following year which is nearly 50% of the initial fee.

Our software is compatible with the most common browsers on the internet.

Software License

Each license is valid for one location. The customers is required to pay for each location they have and all locations can be monitored under one account and dashboard.


CYNOVATTE SMC LTD is a TRUSTED technology company based in Kampala, Uganda that provides comprehensive solutions for businesses and individuals in the tech industry.

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Phone: +256 020 095 4900


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